If you are unfamiliar with the Windows 7 Command Prompt, the first thing you may notice is that there is no graphical user interface, but instead there is a prompt where you will need to type in all of your commands. Though this may appear daunting, once you learn the commands to type in, you will find that the command prompt is a powerful tool for accessing files, repairing Windows, or removing malware. If you would like to learn more about the command prompt and the various commands that you can use, then please read the Introduction to the Windows Command Prompt tutorial.

It should be noted that when you boot into the Windows 7 Recovery Environment the drive letter for your Windows installation may not be the same. For example, if your Windows installation is normall on the C: drive, it may not be located at the D: drive. To determine what drive letter your Windows installation is located on, you can type this command press enter:

bcdedit | find 'osdevice'

This command will display output similar to : os device partition=D:. The drive letter after partition= is the drive that your Windows installation is located. To change to that drive letter you can then type D:, or whatever other drive letter it shows, and press Enter on your keyboard.

Using the command prompt is quite simple. Simply type in the command you wish to perform and then press Enter on your keyboard. If you have entered the command properly then it will be executed and the output from the command will be displayed directly within the command prompt. A powerful feature of the System Recovery Console Command Prompt is that not only can you run run console programs, but you can also run certain Windows programs such as Notepad or an antivirus program. Unfortunately, not all Windows programs will be able to run in this environment, so you will need to test them to determine which ones will operate correctly.

To help get you started with using the Command Prompt I have listed a series of console commands that work in this environment. To get help information for each of these programs you can type the program name followed by /h and press the enter key. For example, to see the help information for the copy command you would type copy /h and then press the enter key. As more programs and commands are found they will be added to the lists below. Each of the console commands must be typed into the console in order to execute them.

attribChange permissions on files.
BootrecYou can use the Bootrec.exe tool in the Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE) to troubleshoot and repair the master boot record (MBR), boot sector,and Boot Configuration Data (BCD) store
bcdedit Displays and allows you to change how Windows boots up. This command is useful for people who are having trouble with the Windows Boot Manager
cdChanges the current directory
chkdskChecks a hard disk for errors and attempts to repair them.
copyCopy a file from one location to another.
delDeletes a file
dirLists the files and folders in the current directory
diskpartLoad the Windows disk management program. From this program you can create, delete, shrink, and expand your existing partitions as well as get information about partitions and hard drives
icaclsChange file and folder permissions and display or modify access control lists (ACLs)
mkdirCreates a new folder
moreDisplays the content of a file one page at a time
moveMoves a file or a folder
regPerform Windows Registry operations.
renRename a file or folder
rdRemove an empty folder
typeDisplay the contents of a file
xcopyCopy a folder or files to another location
Notepad.exeOpens up the Windows Notepad so you can view and edit text files. You can also use the file browser when click the File -> Open menus to copy, move, rename, and delete files.
Regedit.exeThe Windows Registry Editor.
rstrui.exeThe System Restore console where you can restore your computer back to earlier restore points.

When you are finished using the Command Prompt you can exit it by typing exit and then pressing the Enter key on your keyboard. The command prompt will close and you will now be back at the list of available repair tools, where you can reboot your computer.

The Windows 7 System Recovery Command Prompt is such a powerful tool because you can perform actions on your files and data without having to be in Windows. Acronis usb bootable iso download free. This means that if you are infected with malware you can use the recovery environment to clean your computer of rootkits or malware without fear of them hindering your efforts as they will not be started.

An advanced feature of the Windows 7 Recovery Command Prompt is that you can load your Windows Registry hives and then access them using Regedit. That way if you or a program has changed a setting in your Registry that does not allow you to boot up, you can fix it using the command prompt. An example of this would be when an antivirus program incorrectly fixes the Userinit key and thus you are no longer able to login to Windows. To fix this you would start the Windows Recovery Environment Command Prompt and load the hives, fix the changes, and unload them again.

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Play pokemon heart gold online game. This can be done using the following commands:

Type REG LOAD HKLMTempSoft <rd>:WindowsSystem32configsoftware and press Enter to load the Registry hive.

Type regedit.exe and press Enter to start the Windows Registry Editor.
Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINETempSoftMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon key within the Registry Editor.
Double-click on the Userinit value and change the data to read <sd>:Windowssystem32userinit.exe, Espn 30 for 30 download free.
Exit the Windows Registry Editor.
Type REG UNLOAD HKLMTempSoft and press Enter to unload the Registry hive.
Type exit and press Enter on your keyboard and then reboot your computer.

Please note that in the above commands I have specified drive letters as <rd> and <sd>. For the purposes of this guide, <rd> stands for the drive letter of your Windows installation while in the Windows 7 Recovery Environment and should be substituted for the proper drive letter. You can use the info here to determine this drive letter. The <sd> drive letter denotes the drive that Windows is installed on when booted normally. For most people, this is typically the C: drive.

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As you can see the Windows 7 Recovery Command Prompt is a powerful tool in fixing problems that would normally be unsolvable. If you find other Windows programs that work within the recovery environment, please let us know about them in the forums, so we can add them to this tutorial.

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As always if you have any questions or tips on using the Windows 7 command prompt you should let us know in the Windows 7 Help Forums.